800-438-1808 rick@k12grantsnow.com
Learn easy-to-implement strategies and techniques for increasing positivity and student-teacher relationships while eliminating anger, aggression, noncompliance, and other challenging behaviors using evidence-based behavioral strategies that make sense for today’s 21st-century students.

Increasing Classroom Positivity and Reducing Disruptive, Recurring Behaviors to Increase Student Learning

  • Reduce student referrals and suspensions
  • Avoid and de-escalate disruptive behaviors in the classroom
  • Use powerful strategies that improve behavior of repeatedly disruptive students
  • Skillfully de-escalate power struggles, and immediately restore trust
  • Learn how to decrease attention-getting behaviors and prevent power struggles
  • Strengthen students’ problem-solving skills using student-proven strategies
  • Avoid costly mistakes in front of students when dealing with problem behavior
  • Empower students to own and solve their own behavior while not feeling you are “unfair”
  • Have students acting with self-control and cooperating with other students
  • Address your state standards related to student social/emotional learning
  • Easy behavior lesson plans and checklists
  • Stop anger, aggression and anxiety before it escalates
  • Use targeted, effective consequences and permanently change unwanted behavior
  • Evidence-based interventions
  • Multiple strategies for emergency crisis prevention and intervention
  • Dozens of ideas for eliminating anger and impulsive behavior
  • Use these strategies and more to promote and enjoy student success!
  • Avoid counterproductive consequences
  • Next-day strategies to promote and enjoy student happiness and success, and an extensive, highly useful discipline resource handbook filled with outstanding sample materials, tools and ideas

Practical Ideas and Strategies

We will encounter students who repeatedly violate classroom and school rules and ‘use up’ your academic time. The good news is that there is hope and there are innovative strategies to stop misbehavior! Whether you’re a veteran or new to teaching, we will answer your questions, provide valuable strategies and help you solve the behavior problems you face every day. In this comprehensive seminar, you will learn practical ways to use the evidence-based behavioral strategies that make sense for today’s 21st century students.

Discover easy-to-use tips and strategies and techniques for working with anger, aggression, noncompliance and other challenging behaviors.

You will leave this seminar with a strong plan and sense of empowerment to reduce behavior problems and you will also receive an extensive resource handbook filled with dozens of practical ideas, forms and checklists that you will be able to use immediately and share with your colleagues.

Join America’s favorite behavior expert in this one-day seminar that will cover practical ideas, strategies and techniques to help increase your success with children who challenge, and learn how to:

  • Calmly avoid being drawn into power struggles
  • Decrease attention-getting behaviors
  • Develop a cooperative mindset in students who challenge
  • Help students own their behavior rather than considering YOU “unfair”
  • Spend less time managing behavior and more time teaching
  • Establish a blueprint successfully teach disruptive students
  • De-escalate power struggles with angry, upset or out-of-control students
  • Respectfully and effectively deal with most difficult and disruptive behaviors

When prevention is not enough and disruptive behaviors surface, we will teach you strategies to stop behavior escalation and immediately improve performance of disruptive, non-compliant students and also teach powerful strategies that immediately defuse power struggles and create a learning-centered classroom!

Ten Key Benefits of Attending

  1. Work Like an Expert with Noncompliant, Off-Task, Combative, Challenging Students …. Bring a tool box of strategies back to your classroom to immediately decrease problem behaviors
  2. Avoid Making Common Mistakes in Front of Other Students When Working with Disruptive and Noncompliant Students…. Bring a tool box of strategies back to your classroom to deal with problem behavior like an expert!
  3. Low-Prep, Next-Day Ideas and Tools for Working with Behavior Problems …. Sample lesson plans, real life classroom case studies, tools, and checklists you can use immediately … Hands-on practice during the seminar so you can successfully implement key components
  4. Work Confidently with the Most Challenging Behaviors…. Targeted intervention ideas for anger management and de-escalation, aggression, anxiety, and oppositional behaviors … Interventions you can implement the next day
  5. Modify and Revise the Learning Environment to Reduce Disruptive Behavior …. Make simple changes in routines, physical arrangement and instruction to reduce and prevent inappropriate behaviors … Learn how to incorporate color, lighting, music and scents to dramatically increase attentiveness and to modify seating arrangements for maximum student achievement
  6. Effectively Respond to Power Struggles and Emergency Situations …. Learn powerful response strategies to defuse power struggles … and an emergency intervention to de-escalate serious struggles and calm the classroom
  7. Disrupt Off-Task and Challenging Behavior with Confidence and Elegance …. Ignoring disruptive, off-task, and challenging behavior is a recipe for disaster … Instead, use powerful strategies that stop inattention and inappropriate behavior before it starts
  8. Avoid Ineffective and Counterproductive Strategies with Disruptive and Noncompliant Students …. Avoid the consequences and strategies that backfire with disruptive students … Use productive strategies with positive outcomes instead
  9. Use Powerful Ideas to Empower Students to Reflect, Self-Monitor, and Correct Their Own Behavior …. Teach students positive social and emotional skills, procedural, and relationship skills guaranteed to improve their behavior … Learn how to teach students self-regulation and self-correction and to take full responsibility for their own behavior
  10. Learn Modern, Updated Student Management Strategies to Better Meet the Needs of 21st Century Classrooms …. Successfully address the behavior challenges of today’s students using research-based ideas that work … Take the best of research-based strategies and apply them with a new, updated mindset and confidence level!

Outstanding Strategies You Can Use Immediately

  • Learn to prevent and respond to misbehavior like an expert using strategies to avoid significant escalation or disruption
  • Use powerful strategies for anger, aggression, anxiety and attention-getting students who are challenging and/or repeatedly disruptive
  • Use highly effective strategies for low-level and crisis prevention and intervention
  • Stay emotionally neutral when facing difficult and defiant students
  • Employ evidence-based interventions to restore a calm classroom
  • Have your students recognize antecedents and triggers of behaviors for the purpose of prevention
  • Learn critical strategies to eradicate attention-getting behaviors
  • Bring huge tool box of strategies back to your classroom to successfully deal with problem behaviors
  • Create an inviting, learning-conducive, safe, inclusive, and supportive classroom for high-performing students based on the latest BRAIN RESEARCH. Desk arrangement matters! Incorporation and wise use of color, lighting, scents and music matters! Learn how to set-up and arrange the classroom for maximum student performance.
  • Calm student behavior by incorporating the most effective desk arrangements in your class
  • Move the teacher’s desk to the best spot in the classroom
  • Free your students from ecological distractions so they can give their full attention to your lesson
  • Use colors in your classroom that maximize information retention and stimulate participation
  • Introduce colors that stimulate calmness, relaxation, happiness and comfort
  • Adjust lighting to meet the diverse biological and psycho-physiological needs of your students
  • Learn how the intensity, spectral composition, spatial and temporal distribution of lighting affects student learning – and how to adjust for maximum student engagement in your lessons
  • Structure your classroom to minimize disruptive behaviors so you can teach and students can learn
  • Learn evidence-based critical strategies for creating a classroom for your young students with challenging behaviors
  • Start setting high, consistent expectations designed to improve student behavior and increase earning TOMORROW in class. Take back instructional minutes that are stolen by disruptive behaviors. Provide the necessary classroom structure for your students to engage in discussions, ask questions and take academic risks in front of their classmates.
  • Keep struggling learners in class by teaching powerful behavioral lessons that help them succeed
  • Successfully teach positive behaviors and prevent problem behaviors, forming important building blocks for a positive classroom.
  • Enjoy students who treat each other and you with respect
  • Learn powerful methods to address behaviors outside of the classroom (shared areas), such as in the hallways, cafeteria, playground, library, bus, restrooms, quad, bus, and more
  • Develop consistent expectations with your students so they know what’s expected throughout the school day and so they feel more confident, engaged and connected to the class and school community
  • Watch how your newly tightened up classroom routines help students who have difficult home lives by providing the structure and stability they need and crave.
  • Provide firm but fair boundaries where your students quickly realize there’s no point to pushing the limits
  • Teachers struggle with misbehavior, whether it’s outright disrespect or passive resistance, arguing, severe defiance, or events rising to crisis level situations. The good news is with the right skills and support, teachers can thrive in today’s classrooms! Problem behavior is predictable and you will learn exactly what to do when challenged, when to do it, and most important how to do it! Stopping bad behavior for good is doable, and is not complicated
  • Eliminate 100% of pesky, low-level misbehavior in your classroom the day after the seminar (without ever raising your voice)
  • Ask once, and get what you want
  • Never again find yourself giving multiple warnings and repeated requests
  • Regain control of your students, your class and recover teaching time lost to matters of discipline
  • Never again wonder what to do in problem situations
  • Feel empowered, instead of unsure
  • End resistance from repeat disruptors
  • Learn to use 75 different diffusers when children challenge and rediscover the joys of teaching
  • Eliminate “acting out” and restore peace and learning in your classroom and lasting respect between you and your students
  • Challenging students behave well for you when they know they can depend on you (and also their classmates). Establishing such trust is doable, by teaching both rules and regulations and also – and even more important and borne out by the research – by sending signals of “Unconditional Positive Regard.” We have all watched in awe a few colleagues who work “miraculously” work the most challenging of students. But it is no mystery why difficult students perform well for these teachers and we will teach you how to build relationships that will allow you to reach and teach all children, regardless of the profile
  • Take away dozens of relationship-building ideas you can easily incorporate to turn your most challenging students into your best allies
  • Communicate positive expectations to all students, not just high achievers
  • Create meaningful connections with students that support optimal learning and behavior
  • Quickly establish positive, trusting relationships with students and create a learning community where students give maximum effort
  • Keep “fence riding” students on-task and from becoming challengers
  • Empower students how to recognize, own, and change their own behavior
  • Create a classroom environment that unleashes students’ goodness and engenders behavioral and academic success.
  • Use intervention ideas that keep student/teacher relationship strong, even when discipline incidents occur
  • Develop healthy relationships with students in order to solve problem behavior without administration’s involvement
  • Eliminate having to give multiple warnings and repeated requests
  • Calmly avoid power struggles
  • Take away dozens of relationship-building ideas you can easily incorporate to turn your most challenging students into your best allies
  • Use easy lesson plans, strategies, ideas and checklists
  • Employ evidence-based interventions that work to support classroom management
  • Use strategies to avoid personal frustration
  • Increase the effectiveness of your time-outs
  • Dynamically move your students from external discipline (you doing) to self-discipline (them solving)
  • Develop a willingness mindset in students who routinely challenge
  • Establish a behavioral blueprint to increase success with challenging students using positive behavioral support practices
  • Spend less time managing behavior and more time teaching
  • Try modern strategies for working with students who consistently say, “Make me!” (or worse)
  • Avoid behavioral gimmicks and rewards that don’t work with challenging students
  • Empower students who have given up on behaving
  • Maintain YOUR enthusiasm and energy while teaching difficult students
  • Easily collect meaningful data on behavioral progress
  • Create a system where students know and understand what’s expected of them, which gives them confidence

A Message From Corporate

Dear Colleague:

Good strategies and ideas withstand the test of time but society has changed and so have the students we work with in our schools. We face a variety of behaviors that steal our valuable teaching time every day.

The strategies in our seminar were developed with a 21st century mindset: mindful of the children who are coming to our classes today. We will teach what to do with repeatedly disruptive, noncompliant, anxious or angry students as well as how to effectively deal with melt downs, blow-ups, and serious situations. This is a low-prep, next-day, ideas packed seminar designed for positive results in your classroom.

We are excited to give you doable, powerful ideas that help you successfully teach disruptive and challenging students using evidence-based strategies that work. We will present strategies all day long on how to prevent misbehavior and how to skillfully respond to misbehavior if it has occurred and also strategies for calming your classroom and making it a happy, safe, and comfortable place!

Have you ever failed by relying on external rewards and/or punishment strategies? The reasons they fail are numerous but the primary cause is that you can change no one – except yourself. However, you can assist difficult students to change their own behavior. We promise you a day of no “gimmicks” and “tricks,” and to teach you how to have your students solving their own problems.

If you are looking for specific ways to eliminate misbehavior and make your classroom a very positive place we encourage you to please join us in this highly active and interactive seminar. We have packed the day with doable ideas and strategies that create a calm, happy, high-performing, disruption free class! We look forward to sharing our ideas and enthusiasm for creating a classroom where all students succeed.

You will be able to blend our strategies perfectly into your current school-wide system or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.

Sincerely yours in education,
Rick Dahlgren | CEO, Center for Teacher Effectiveness

P.S. You will also receive an 225+ page extensive resource handbook written specifically for this seminar. It is filled with strategies and resources you can use immediately in your classroom and with individual students

P.P.S. If you are searching for proven and highly effective strategies, this is a seminar you won’t want to miss.

Special Benefits of Attending

  • Extensive Resource Handbook. You will receive an extensive resource handbook specifically designed for this seminar. Included in the handbook are:
    • Dozens of strategies for disciplining students in a respectful manner that engenders productive and meaningful interactions and a calm classroom
    • A list of helpful resources, lesson plans, ideas and strategies to expand concepts that are taught
    • Low-prep, next-day strategies for dealing with recurring behavior problems and creating a safe, happy classroom
    • Management and organization tips
    • An action plan to take back to your classroom and school
    • Strategies to avoid mistakes commonly made in front of students when dealing with recurring major and minor behaviors
    • Clear, easy-to-implement classroom arrangement ideas developed from the latest brain research that will decrease problem behaviors.

Meet and Share

Your trainer provides participants opportunities to share new ideas with their building colleagues who are also interested in practical ways to reduce discipline issues and create happy, high-performing classroom cultures.

Consultation Available

Your trainer will be available after the seminar for consultation regarding your questions about the unique needs of your own classroom.

Semester Credit Option

Graduate level professional development credit is OPTIONALLY available. Details for direct enrollment with Brandman University, part of the Chapman University system, will be available at the seminar.

Meet In-service Requirements

At the end of the program, each attendee will receive a certificate of participation that may be used to verify hours of participation in meeting continuing education requirements.

Teachers Trained


Years of Service


Research Based


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