800-438-1808 rick@k12grantsnow.com

federal grants

Title I
Title I funding is funding given to local educational agencies (LEAs) and public schools with a high concentration of children from low-income families to help ensure they have additional resources.


Title II
Title II funding is funding to LEAs to improve teacher and principal quality and increase student academic achievement. These funds can be used to improve the effectiveness of teachers and principals by having school and district staff go through CTE training programs.


IDEA [Individual Disability Education Act]
IDEA funding is funding used to pay the excess costs of providing special education and related services to children with disabilities. This type of funding would include professional development for special education personnel and general education teachers who teach children with disabilities, aligning perfectly with CTE training programs.

action plan

Talk with your Special Education Director about these funds

The ABCs of Grant Writing



Review committees will know if you have repurposed an existing grant.  Write a fresh proposal.


Make a list of requirements the grant application requires, from content to formatting. Then, follow that list!


Be spefic and clear

Explain how you will use the money and state how many students and staff will benefit, and how they will benefit.

Make a compelling case

You are competing against others. Explain on an emotional level how the grant will allow your teachers and students to thrive.

Ask for the right amount

The amount of funding for which you are applying should be as close as possible to the amount the organization intends to award


Always write a one-page overview, reiterating how your request aligns with the agency’s grant. Remind them why they should choose you.

do you have a question, or need help?